East London Cable is Aoibheann Greenan, Dan Marre, Eve Stainton, Florence Peake, Jos Bitelli, Louis Brown, Sung Tieu and Wojciech Kosma. Since early 2018 the collective has been producing, platforming and commissioning moving image and performance works under the umbrella of ‘TV.’
Drawing from a wide range of sources including 70’s/80’s public access television which foregrounded local content and issues, ELC considers how live-to-digital and streaming technologies can enrich the contemporary production and consumption of this media. Furthermore, the collective are exploring the potential of the TV studio operating as a locus for community-building and knowledge exchange; hosting live events, screenings, panel discussions, workshops, and providing technical support.
The collective’s curatorial outcomes manifest as a televisual series titled ELC TV Dinners. The patchwork event format of ELC TV Dinners emulates the eclecticism of channel-hopping. This preceded digital streaming and has largely vanished in our current media climate that is dominated by global corporations presenting homogeneity under the guise of choice.
Since forming, collaborators and clients have included David Roberts Art Foundation, Fernanda Muñoz‑Newsome, Goldsmiths University and Michelle Williams Gamaker, Harold Offeh, Healing Justice London, iMT Gallery, Raven Row, Sadler's Wells, Science Museum, Stuart Hall Foundation, Sung Im Her, Tate Modern, This Is Tomorrow and Voices That Shake!
contact@elc.vision for live streaming, filming, editing, production, workshops, consultancy services and press enquiries.